
Simplicity is Good For Creativity 

· Embracing Artistic Clarity ·

Dec, 01, 2023

In a fast-paced world, we often overlook the benefits of simplicity. In this clip, I shared a childhood memory of finding joy in a piece of fabric. Whether or not you are an artist, simplicity can enhance clarity and artistic prowess.

The Power of the Small:

Discovering artistic clarity doesn’t always require grand gestures. By focusing on the seemingly insignificant details, we can awaken our creativity. Whether it’s the delicate patterns on a flower petal or the play of light and shadows, these small observations breathe life into our work.

Unlocking Creativity:

Taking a moment to pause and appreciate the beauty around us opens up new perspectives. Through simplicity, we can infuse authenticity and depth into our artistic endeavors.


As you embark on your life and journey to more creativity, I invite you to take a simple yet powerful challenge. Set aside just 10 minutes each day to admire something seemingly insignificant. It could be a leaf, a cloud, or a single brushstroke on a canvas. Observe its intricacies, feel its presence and let it inspire your creative spirit. Notice how this practice deepens your connection to the world around you and fuels your artistic expression. Try it out and let me know how it goes. Happy creating!

Iridescence Art

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